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POTW – AndreGamer00

Hello, everyone, and Happy Monday! We hope you’re having a fantastic week and enjoying your efforts to assist Rockhopper in saving the Migrator. On Friday, we introduced a thrilling game mode in Aqua Grabber that allows you to join the action and rescue parts of Rockhopper’s ship. We’re optimistic about seeing the Migrator fully restored soon!

Coming this Week

Tour Guides

Keep an eye out for our upcoming event if you’ve ever dreamed of becoming a tour guide. We’ve got something special in store for all you penguins interested in guiding others through the island.

Penguin Style

Get ready for the latest fashion trends! The newest Penguin Style collection will be available this Wednesday. Start saving those coins, and stay fashion-forward!

Monday Updates

Don’t miss the latest issue of the newspaper, packed with the island’s most current news and upcoming events. Additionally, the newest community events have been posted on the board in the Welcome Room! Make sure to check them out.

Grab your pals and embark on a pin-hunting adventure! We’ve hidden a new pin on the island, so make sure you find it before next week rolls around.

Penguin of the Week

Let’s congratulate AndreGamer00, our 25th Penguin of the Week! Andre is known for sharing his incredible art with the world and for always spreading positivity. He’s been an integral part of the CPJ Community since day one. As a reward, Andre will receive the green Viking helmet, the Penguin of the Week Background, and 10,000 coins. Well done, Andre!

Until next time,
