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POTW – Paulie5674

Penguin of the Week

Monday means it is time for Penguin of the Week! This week’s recipient is a pro at Fluffy the Fish and can EASILY track down any mascot! They have collected every Mascot Stamp and they are always up for a good snowball fight. This penguin also seems particularly keen on throwing snowballs through the windows of the Town’s buildings. The shop owners and Night Club staff aren’t pleased, but we don’t mind!

This penguin can be found hanging out in Town or out at the Ice Pond gathering up coins! A big congratulations to Paulie5674, our 32nd Penguin of the Week. Since the Alpha Party, Paulie has been a dedicated Club Penguin Journey player. As a reward, Paulie will receive 10,000 coins, the Penguin of the Week background, and the amazing Green Viking Helmet! Congrats Paulie5674!
