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POTW – Rdoodler17

Penguin of the Week

For our 33rd Penguin of the Week we are recognizing the 1,333rd player to join Club Penguin Journey. This penguin is a part of our Wiki team and is a fantastic artist. Their most recent creation depicted an adorable penguin at the Anniversary Celebration! They are particularly talented at dancing the night away at the Dance Contest. We certainly hope this FNAF enthusiast is enjoying our Halloween Party! 

Rdoodler17 has been playing Club Penguin Journey since Day One! They are constantly contributing to the community and making it a better, brighter place. They are always up for a laugh and once proved to me that they have in fact touched grass by sending me video evidence. They will be rewarded 10,000 coins, the Penguin of the Week background, and the Green Viking Helmet! Keep being your goofy self! Congrats! 
